Report of FURrtherCONfusion 2005( This is incomplete. )
FURtherCONfusion 2005のレポートです。(未完成です)
I think that a lot of mistakes are found in this English. You must decipher them. (^ ^;)

Narita international airport

Beautiful evening glow

American Airlines Boeing B777-223/ER

I have participated in FURtherCONfusion also this year.
The participant to this year's convention is NEKO_NO_HITO-san, Yamanekoya-san, and me.

Ken Singshow-san and Karabiner-san are the nonparticipations this time. This year's convention was held in mid-January. They were not able to go to the convention because work was busy in the middle of January. Because next year's convention is held in the middle of January (19-23), participation might be difficult. (>_<;

We used American Airlines.





* What is FURtherCONfusion?

In it, personified animals who appear to the comics and animation are the conventions which favorite people hold. This year's convention was held in San Jose on January 13-18.

A big and small comic convention seems to have been held somewhere in the United States every month. Especially, the furry convention has been held more frequently than Japan. The United States is furry convention advanced country.

The official web page is here. >

* FURtherCONfusionって何?。

ファーザー コンフュージョンと読みます。漫画やアニメーションなどに登場する、擬人化された動物達が好きな人達(Furry ファーリーと言います)が集まって開催されるコミックコンベンションです。今年は1月13日から18日まで、米国カリフォルニア州サンノゼで開催されました。

アメリカでは、この様な大小のコミックコンベンションが、ほぼ毎月全米の何処かで開催されているそうです。特に、ケモノ系(ファーリー系)コンベンション(Confurence, Anthrocon 等)は日本よりも頻繁に開催されていていて、アメリカはケモノ・コンベンション先進国です。

公式ウェブページはこちら >


The airframe is Boeing B777-223/ER. It was a full seat. The AA128 flight left Narita International Airport on the evening of January 13. The flight time is 8-9 hours.

Dinner was beef or pork. I chose pork. Pasta which pork had gotten on was considerably salty. The sushi was dry, and was not delicious. (^ ^;)

Breakfast was a cereal or a croissant. I chose the croissant. Breakfast ended, and we arrived at San Jose in about two hours.

機体はBoeing B777-223/ER。座席は横に2、5、2の配置で、ほぼ満席でした。機は成田を夕方飛び立ち、8〜9時間でサンノゼ空港へ到着。日付変更線をまたぐので、13日夕方に日本を発ち、13日朝に米国到着です。




  We arrived at the San Jose international airport on the morning of January 13, 2005.

We entered from the San Jose airport to the United States. There is a gate of "For foreigner" and "For American and Canadian" in the immigration counter. However, only both one was opened, and there was only one official in charge respectively. In addition, the fingerprint stamping and taking a picture of the face became obligations on September 30, 2004. Therefore, the immigration was very crowded. In the immigration, we were made to wait for one hour or more.

Is here really an international airport? The official in charge of the immigration is too negligent. We arrived at the airport at 9:55. However, it was 11:30 that we had entered the United States.

We picked up luggage, and passed the customs. It was a cabstand when going out of the exit of the airport. To call the shuttle bus, I called the hotel with a direct telephone. It was a female employee to have answered the telephone.

I asked her to talk slowly because I was not able to speak English. However, she explained one-sidedly and ring off. The result was the same though I had tried twice. I was able to catch the word of "Every 15 minutes" and "Round". We tried to wait for the shuttle bus in the cabstand. We were able to go to the hotel because the bus had just come at that time. People who boarded the shuttle bus were all people who attends the convention.

In most hotels in the United States, there is free meeting and sending off service. But, I hate unkind hotel employee.






電話に出たのは女性従業員でした。英語が話せないのでゆっくり喋ってくれと頼むのですが、ベラベラと一方的に説明して、「OK? Bye!」ガチャン!。二回トライしましたが やはり取り合ってくれません。不親切な従業員に腹を立てつつも、なんとか「15分毎」「巡回」と聞き取れたので、タクシー乗り場でシャトルバスを待つ事に。と、丁度バスが来たので我々は無事にホテルへ到着したのでした。どうやら15分毎にシャトルバスが循環していた様で、電話で呼び出さなくても良いらしい。あぁ、ボクは疲れたよパトラッシュ・・・。



