This is the Double Tree Hotel in the convention hall. It is a big hotel. There is a San Jose international airport in front of the hotel. The Double Tree Hotel
ここがコンベンション会場のダブルツリー ホテルです。大きなホテルです。ホテルの正面にはサンノゼ国際空港があります。


A warm water pool in the courtyard A view to the San Jose international airport
This is a warm water pool in the courtyard. Someone is swimming in the pool. And, a right photo is a view to the San Jose international airport. The rooftop part in the lobby at the hotel is a stroll road. The shutter was opened for four seconds, and I took a picture of these. これは中庭の温水プールです。誰かが泳いでいます。そして、右の写真は、サンノゼ国際空港への眺めです。ホテルのロビーの屋上部分が遊歩道になっています。シャッターを4秒間開放しての撮影。


This is a room where we stayed. The room is wide. There is a room of symmetry in the right side, and Ken Singshow-san, Eric Schwartz-san, and Todd Starr-san stay there. These two rooms can be connected in the indoor door. Therefore, we were able to make use of two rooms comfortably.


Well, there was not Momoneko-san in the hotel either. We went to the San Jose international airport near the hotel. But, he was not there either.
I was embarrassed. Time is 4:00PM, and the sunset is near. His traveling abroad is the first time. I worried about him.
Fortunately, I was bringing the telephone number of his parents' family. I multiplied overseas phone calls from the room at the hotel to his home. The voice of the woman who seemed to be Momoneko-san's mother answered the telephone.

I spoke the business to her at a dash.

She said, "He is in the room now".

I have laughed.
He has missed the airplane. He reserved the flight on the next day, and he came home. Because he said, "I arrive at SFO around 9:00AM of the next day", everyone was relieved.

The final means.


数回 日本の電話の呼び出し音がし、百猫さんの母上らしき女性の声が電話に出ました。

「もしもし、私 **(私の本名)と申す者です。国際電話でアメリカから掛けています。**さん(百猫さんの名前)と空港でお会い出来なかったのですが、彼から何か連絡はありましたか?」。


「あー、今 奥ですねています。ちょっと待ってくださいね。今かわりますね〜。」

何はともあれ、次の日の午前9時頃、彼はSFOに到着するというので、一同 ホッと安心しました。


We were indebted to Radio Comix also this year. We wish to express our gratitude to president's Ms. Elin Winkler and staff.

Always thank you so much!


