Doujinshi of Team Shuffle.

These are the doujinshi in the main of this manga doujin circle. The name of these books is "Book of the Beast" and "Momo-an".
The content of "Book of the Beast" is beast persons.
The content of "Momo-an" draws abnormality (huge breasts, Hermaphrodite, body modification, big cocks, homunculus, lolita, gangbang, pervertedly, immorality, etc.) overall.
Book of the Beast
the newest Book of the Beast.
the newest Momo-an.


This is a copy book regularly published. The title and the theme are irregular. I capriciously decide the theme. They are most furry, huge breasts, dick girls, homunculus, and huge penises etc. Ripan B17
the newest copy book


This is a book irregularly published. The title is "T** of Trump". The illustrations and the comics whom I had drawn before were consolidated in this book. Chiefly, there are a lot of illustrations who drew in the copy book.
the newest doujin book
これは不定期で刊行している個人誌です。題名は「T**(巻数) of Trump」。今までに描いたイラストや他のサークルで描いた漫画を、この本にまとめました。主に、コピー誌で描いた楽描きが多いです。


This is a book irregularly published. The title is "Hikan-musume". Themes are chubby girls. Hikan-musume
the newest Hikan-musume.


This is a book irregularly published. The title is "Kemono Shounen". Themes are little kemono boys (Assam, Uva, and Kanyam). However, this book is only one volume still. The issue of the continuation is scheduled in the future.

There is a foreigner who confuses SYOTA with the meaning of YAOI. This artwork is SYOTA, and NOT YAOI.

I found an illegal United States website recently. "Kemono Shounen" is displayed illegal there. Moreover, my art work was ruined by an immature translation and an inferior processing. I'm very regrettable. If an illegal act is frequently done with the United States web, I must reexamine sales of the book to the United States.

Kemono Shounen
the newest Kemono shounen.

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