Illustrations of current topics. |
時事ネタのイラスト。 |
This is a memorial picture for Mr. Sanpei Shirato, who passed away on October 8, 2021. Her name is Onihime. 2021年10月8日に亡くなられた白土三平さんへの追悼画。鬼姫。 |
I painted this one for Meat Day and Halloween. 肉の日とハロウィン用。 |
I painted this for a Good Meat Day. いい肉の日用。 |
This is a memorial picture for Ms. Yoshiko Ohta, who passed away on October 29, 2021. 2021年10月29日に亡くなられた太田淑子さんへの追悼画。 |