This is a cover of the copy book which I published in Comic Revolution(comic
convention). At first, I was going to use this picture for the body of a book. Her upper half of the body is a muscularity. She looks nakedly. However, she has worn a very thin body suit. She is homunculus (android). She is used for guard. Her externals are woman. Therefore, she is chiefly used for men.
She is small. But, it's high performance. "Shakuniku-yokushin" of the title is coinage. The title is written by the Chinese character of four pieces.
タイトルの「灼肉慾心」とは造語です。「灼肉」とは熱く火照った体で、「慾心」とはそれを欲する心です。つまり、「発情した体を欲する心」とでも言いましょうか、そんな意味で題名を付けました。 |