This is a rough sketch of the character of my comics. The comics were published in "Book of the Beast 9". The title of the comics is "Sukisuki neko sensei (If this is forcibly translated into English, the title will become "DEAR LOVELY PUSSYCAT TEACHER")". This is another story of "DEAR LOVELY BITCH TEACHER" which I drew before. Cat's teacher appears this time. Her name is Miss Leopolda Erhardt. She is a small, chubby physique. However, she is a homunculus (Android) made as a sex slave, and the body is a marvelous structure.
2002年、冬のコミックマーケットで発行された"獣之書 9"へ描いた漫画の登場人物達の素描です。内容は、以前私が描いた漫画「好き好き犬先生」の別のお話で、題名は「好き好き猫先生ぇ」です。今回は猫先生です。名前はレオポルダ・エアハルト先生。チビで少々ふっくらしているが、元々肉奴隷として造られたホムンクルス(人造人間)で、実は凄い構造。
