This is a rough sketch drawn to consider a muscularity woman.
I like both the muscle of Bruce Lee and the deformed muscle of the bodybuilder.
This is a muscle of the bodybuilder type. I draw her body like the mass of a huge rock. I like to draw a muscular amount which cannot be in case of the woman. However, I think that a muscular amount is still insufficient for this picture. |
筋肉質な女性の体型を考察するために描いた素描。ブルース・リーの様な引き締まった筋肉も、ボディービルダーの様に極端にデフォルメされた筋肉も好きです。これは後者の筋肉。 巨大な岩の塊の様な巨体。女性だと、ありえない筋肉量を描くのが好き。でも、この絵はまだまだ筋肉の量が足りないと思う。 |
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