Hermaphrodite (Dick girl) which Trump defines.

"Hermaphrodite (Dick girl) character" which I define is as follows.

1. On one body, there are a male genitals and a female genitals.
Therefore, without the female genitals though characters have breasts and penises, this characters are not included in this definition.
It is Shemale (It is male!).

2. The clitoris which became like the penis is included in this definition, too. In this case, there is no scrotum.

3. It is possible to ejaculate. This is important. If the clitoris of definition 2 cannot ejaculate, it is not hermaphrodite.

* These definitions are my personal definitions.
Therefore, these are not consensuses of artists who draw the hermaphrodite comics.
Please do not apply these definitions to all artists who draw the hermaphrodite comics. (^ ^;)

I am drawing hermaphrodite without the scrotum and hermaphrodite with the scrotum.
Recently, I am frequently drawing hermaphrodite with the scrotum.
I think that I am interesting because it seems to be able to ejaculate a lot if the scrotum is huge.


1. 両性の性器を持っている。ゆえに、たとえ乳房と男性器があっても女性器が無ければ、この定義に含まれない。

2. 陰茎状になった陰核もまた、この定義に含まれます。この場合、陰嚢はありません。

3. 射精できる。これは重要です。定義 2 の陰核が射精できないと、それはふたなりではありません。

これらの定義をふたなり漫画を描く作家達へあてはめないで下さい。(^ ^;)


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