Concerning the link

In the link to TEAM SHUFFLE, there are some requirements. The link is NOT free.

Please do NOT link with top.htm. Asks index.htm for the link. The unsuitable sites for TEAM SHUFFLE's purport refuse the link. The link is limited to the relations such as CG illustration, Manga (Comics), and Animation. "Pay site", "Web sites where only link is done (Sites who are obtaining profit as guests click banners) ", "Site where the photograph for adults is exhibited" and "Site where stranger's art works are used for the author without permission (however, the adaptations and parodies are not the ranges)" REFUSES the link. However, even if it is a site related to CG illustration, Manga, and Anime, the confrere system site where entrance is limited by the password refuses the link.

If you cannot agree to these requirements, I refuse the link.

There are a lot of webs which display an advertising banner which violates the copyright.
Many of those advertising banners use the image of the X-rated game and anime of Japan without permission.
I refuse the link with webs which display such a banner.

Only the person who agrees to these requirements can link. The report to me is unnecessary.



リンクはtop.htmに直接せずに、必ず index.htm へお願いします。当サークルの趣旨からはずれている所や、アダルトリンクサイト(bannerを客にクリックさせて利益を得ているサイト等)、実写エロ系、有料系及び他人の作品などを無断転載しているサイト(しかし、いわゆるパロディーと呼ばれるものは、限度によってはその範囲ではありません)はリンクは不可です。リンクはCG illustration、Manga、Anime系のみです。ただし、パスワードで入場制限をしている会員制サイトは、例えCG illustration、Manga、Anime系であってもお断りします。



This is a banner of TEAM SHUFFLE. I permit the use of this banner ONLY to the people who achieve the above-mentioned requirement of TEAM SHUFFLE. <>

bannerです(40*200pixels)。上記のTEAM SHUFFLEの条件を満たした方だけに、このbannerの使用を許可します。<> に置いて有ります。

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