cf11_11.JPG (38718 バイト) cf11_09.JPG (35261 バイト)
cf11_10.JPG (34122 バイト) cf11_31.JPG (39572 バイト)
Accessories made from the skin product and the feather besides books were sold.
Stuffed animals are very lovely. These most was handmade.
Japanese anime videotapes and comics were sold.


cf11_14.JPG (37498 バイト) cf11_15.JPG (37921 バイト)
 着ぐるみを売るディーラーも。マネキンに着せて展示しています。これらのケモノ着ぐるみは Fur-Suit と呼ばれています。ケースの中にScarやBaltoの頭部がありますね。良く出来ています。 There were dealers who were selling fur-suit.


cf11_18.JPG (35098 バイト) cf11_17.JPG (32129 バイト)
cf11_22.JPG (33106 バイト) cf11_30.JPG (19961 バイト) cf11_16.JPG (36207 バイト)
These are people who wore fur-suit. It seems to be hot. Besides this, it was a lot. However, I was drawing the picture in sketchbooks at this time. Therefore, it was not possible to take a picture a lot.
A lower right photograph is a signboard.


cf11_20.JPG (28778 バイト) cf11_19.JPG (37309 バイト)
 2日目の別のホールではコスプレショウが開かれます。立ち見が出る程盛況です。 The fur-suit show was held in another hall of the second day. This show was very flourishing.


 他にもいろいろと催し物がありました。中庭で特殊メイクの実演や、アートオークション、ビデオ上映会などなど。夜になると、Fur-Suit Danceがあったり、先にも述べたルームパーティーがあったり。この辺りは日本には無い催し物です。

 開場中、私は売り子をElinちゃんに任せて、ずっとスケッチブックを描いていました。一体何冊分描いたか覚えていません(^ ^;)。米国では、スケブを頼む場合お金を支払います。大体$3〜$5です。この辺りは日本の即売会では見られ無いプロ意識でしょうか。でも私は無料でしこしこ描きました。ゆえに、会場をあまりまわれませんでした。


Other various entertainments existed. A special make-up was demonstrated in the courtyard. An art auction and a video screening, etc. were done. When the night came, fur-suit dance and the room party were held. These are the entertainments not seen in the convention in Japan.
The guest is not made to get tired for four days including "festival at previous night". "Underdog party" might be done in the room somewhere at night which the convention closed. If these are all seen, my sleep time might be insufficient.

In the United States, Money is claimed when asking for sketchbooks.
The charge is from roughly $3 to $5.
However, I drew the picture in sketchbooks free of charge.
I was drawing the picture in the sketchbooks for a long time while holding the convention.
Therefore, I was not able to shop.

Recently, guests and dealers have decreased. I hear that staffs of Confurence are having a family quarrel. Other various troubles exist, and people have moved to other Furry conventions. I was not able to meet a favorite artist by Confurence of this year. I am regrettable.


 さてさて、私は来年のConfurence 12には参加せず、Further Confusionに参加する予定です。2001年1月にCalifornia,Sun MateoのHilton Hotelで開催されるらしいです。San Francisco のすぐ南で寒そうだ。 I do not participate in Confurence 12 of next year. I am scheduled to participate in Further Confusion 2001. Further Confusion is held in January, 2001. The place is Sun Mateo, California. Sun Mateo is the south of San Francisco. It seems to be cold.


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