This is an entrance of the hall. The other side side of the door is a convention hall. T-shirt of the convention was sold in the vicinity of the entrance. The convention opened and I went to buy T-shirt at once. Because, T-shirt of L size which I wanted was always sold out. I was able to buy L size T-shirt at last!

There is a registration table at the far end of the passage. The photo in the the lower is a registration place.




Table of the RADIO COMIX.Table of the RADIO COMIX.

It is a hall before opening. The point of the table of the third row from this side is a table of the RADIO COMIX. The left side of this table is our TEAM SHUFFLE's table. The place of TEAM SHUFFLE was last year and the same place. (Might it be a coincidence?)
開場前の会場です。手前から3列目のテーブルの先端が、テキサスから参加している漫画出版社のラヂオコミックスの卓です。いつもお世話になっています。その隣が我々TEAM SHUFFLEの卓。手前のボードの陰になっています。TEAM SHUFFLEの場所は偶然なのか、去年と同じ場所でした。


Dealers are exhibiting a variety of art works. They are selling illustrations, comic books, stuffed animals, the adornments, accessories, figures (This is a character of my favorite TANK VIXENS. I wanted to buy this. However, because her leg had seemed to break when she was taken home, I abandoned purchase.), leather goods, and the fur suits, etc. Many of these are handmade. All are very attractive!

Ms. Elin Winkler (She is a president of the RADIO COMIX!) is always doing "Sales of books" and "Payment of taxes to California" for us. We wish to express our gratitude to her. Always thank you, Elin-chan!

As for lunch at the first day of the convention, I ate the SUBWAY'S sandwich (turkey) by the goodwill of RADIO COMIX. It is huge. The drinks other than the mineral water(crystal geyser) are very sweet.

ディーラー達の卓上には自作のイラストや漫画本が所狭しと並べられています。それ以外にもお手製のぬいぐるみや革製品、アクセサリー、フィギュア(このフィギュアは、私が好きなTANK VIXENSのキャラクタです。買いたかったけど、足が細くて持ち帰る時に折れそうだったので今回は断念しました。)、ケモノの着ぐるみなども売っています。どれも とても魅力的です。




The American comic convention has atmosphere which is roughly similar to the Japanese comic convention. However, the American convention has calmer atmosphere than a Japanese convention.

A lot of conventions in the United States are held for as much as three days from Friday to Sunday. The comic convention(it is "furry" for this convention) in the United States spends for as much as three days per one genre. This style is not in the convention in Japan.

Participants are harmonious. A lot of otaku people in Japan are taciturn and unfriendly. Their purposes are only the purchase of books. It is very insipid. I used the English word which I knew hard so that I might talk with Americans. It's very joyful.

There is no commodity which draws existing characters of Warner Bros. and Disney, etc. It is different from the convention in Japan. Because, the copyright is strictly defended in the convention in America.

A lot of fans commission the sketchbook to favorite artists. In America, many of they are charge. The American sketchbook is thick, and there is a lot of paper. Moreover, it is cheap. It is better sketchbook than the sketchbook of Japan.


米国のコンベンションらは、実質 金・土・日の三日間開催されています。1つのジャンル(このコンベンションの場合はケモノ)に何日も費やすコンベンションは、日本の漫画コンベンションには見られない様式です。三日間もあるので、まったりと時間が過ぎていきます。

参加者は皆、知り合いの様に語らい合っています。日本の様に、一言も口を利かないで お目当ての同人誌だけ買って帰ってしまう様な参加者は殆ど居ません。作家達の交流も、日本の作家達のそれより親密さを感じました。折角渡米しているのですから、知っている英単語を駆使して交流を図りました。結構楽しいです。彼らにはどの様に映ったでしょう(^ ^;)。



カリフォルニアで物を販売すると、売上税と言う税金も発生します。以前 コンベンションがカリフォルニアの税務署からお叱りを受けた事が有り、それ以来、ディーラー全員にコンベンション側から "しっかり払う様に" との通達が来ています。



