Resort Comic Market in Okinawa

Trump's Okinawa report

2000年3月19日、私は士崎雅雪さんと共に『リゾートコミケ in 沖縄』に参加してきました。沖縄に行くのは今回で二回目。東京は気温10度位だが、沖縄は18度も有って暖かい暖かい。さすが南国。 I participated in "Resort Comic Market in Okinawa" on March 19, 2000. Going to Okinawa is the second times in this time. Okinawa was 18℃ though Tokyo was 10℃. Okinawa was warm.

Where is Okinawa? Please look at your world map. Okinawa is a small island located in the northeast of Taiwan. Okinawa is a prefecture in the southwest end of Japan. There are a lot of U.S. bases.


o01.JPG (33822 バイト) 3月18日の朝6時に、羽田空港へ集合。早朝なのにJASのカウンターには長蛇の列。東京からの参加者は50人以上は居た様だ。予想外の多さに驚く。
I gathered to the Haneda airport at six o'clock on the morning March 18. There was a long row in the counter of JAS though it was an early morning. There might have been 50 participation people or more from Tokyo. I was surprised because there were a lot of people more than the forecast.
o21.JPG (33221 バイト) これが我々の泊まった南西観光ホテル。手前のおじさんは関係無いです。那覇市内に建っていて、観光地として有名な国際通りに面している。一階にコンビニが隣接して便利。部屋が観光ホテルと言う割には、べらぼうに狭い。
This is Seinan-Kankou hotel where I stayed. This hotel is built in the Naha city, and faces a famous Kokusai street in the sightseeing. The room is narrow.
There is no railway in Okinawa. The monorail is on the way of construction. The orbit of the monorail is seen in this side of the hotel. Completion is a schedule in 2003. Therefore, congestion is remarkable inside a prefecture.
o20.JPG (41846 バイト) これが国際通り。片側1車線しか無く、路線バスとタクシーで慢性的に渋滞を起こしている。両側には土産物店がびっしりと並び、観光客で夜遅くまで賑わっている。
This is Kokusai street. The lane is narrow, and the road gets congested chronic by the route bus and the taxi. There are a lot of gift shops in both sides of the road.
I ate the sohki noodle. The sohki noodle was very delicious.


o12.JPG (26406 バイト) コンベンションセンター隣に有るラグナガーテーンホテルでの前夜祭。中央左に居るのが米沢代表。ニコニコでした。デジカメにズーム機能が無いのが残念です。立食パーティー形式で、豪華な食事や沖縄のオリオンビールに舌鼓を打つ。
This is a spectacle of the festival at the previous night. The man at the center is representative Yonezawa of the Comic market. A gorgeous, delicious meal and liquor were able to be tasted in the festival at the previous night.
I sampled the wine of the 25th Comic market anniversary commemoration.


o13.JPG (20924 バイト) 沖縄コンベンションセンター内の、リゾ・コミが開催された建物。広い敷地内には、他にも同じ様な建物があります。左下に一般参加者の列がちょびっと見えるでしょうか。曇っていますね。
This is a building where "Resort Comic Market in Okinawa" at the Okinawa convention center was held.
Guest's row is seen under the left.
o22.JPG (22809 バイト) 会場の入り口周辺。一般参加者が並んでいます。右の柱の向こうに沢山集まっています。開場するまでにはもっと大勢集まりました。が、開場時間前に突然激しい雨に降られる。昼には晴れてしまいました。
This is a surrounding of the entrance of the hall. Many people were queuing up besides them.
o15.JPG (39720 バイト) o14.JPG (37946 バイト)
This is a panorama in the hall. The guest is queuing up by the second floor.



イベント後の打ち上げは、リゾ・コミ・メーリングリストで募集されていた "『一期一会!』リゾコミin沖縄SP〜サークルマスターとゆかいな仲間達" に飛び入り参加させて頂きました。ありがとうございました。こちらもまた楽しい楽しい。二次会まで参加しましたが、そこで撃沈。三次会のカラオケまでは行けませんでした。




The ratio of the circle for adults was few. The guest had a lot of children. Therefore, the sale of the book was bad. It had rained suddenly before the convention started.

I went out to go sightseeing at the day before of the convention. The place to which I went is Shuri castleGyokusendoh,Tropical beach, Himeyuri monument, and Japanese navy underground headquaters, etc.

The statue of Shiisah is seen here and there of Okinawa. Shiisah is a guardian deity in the private house in Okinawa. There was various expression Shiisah.

Okinawa is a good place. I want to go to Okinawa many times when I have time. The foods of Okinawa are very delicious.

